Hello there!

My name is Paul and I'm happy to know you got an interest in me. I mean, why else would you be here?

I'm a 36-year-old graphic designer originally from Romania (the land of vampires), moved to the UK, happily married to Gabriela, with a beautiful little girl called Luna, and a proud owner of a beautiful boxer girl named Pipaa.

Here you can learn a bit about me and my work, hopefully with a smile on your face. Below you can see my work skills in which I worked for decades now.


Check out my portfolio

Most recent projects, because some are too old, and honestly who has so much time to see them all?


Putting your brand first and having in mind an overall vision of who you are, makes for a more strategic way of producing great marketing. I work with my clients to initially discover their brand story and then i tell that narrative through a visual language. I try to balance strategy with creativity.


If you already have a strong brand and need it improved or need a new one, we can have a chat and find the best solution for you and your company.


Print design is the creation of new solutions to problems within the medium of visual communication, usually on paper. The most common types print design finish products are brochure, outdoor banner, vinyl wrap, business card, flyers, product labels and packaging.


It has been rumored that printed materials may lost its importance in the world of marketing in the coming years because of the fast moving digital technology but perhaps it would take decades and centuries to make it happen.


User Experience Design (UXD or UED or XD) is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product. I design using the principles of responsive design.


With new technologies coming up everyday, the design world changes and shifts to fit new devices like phones, tablets, computers and more.

I'm also on Dribbble

Yea. How cool am i?

I'm a Dribbble player. Most of the work you see here, on my website, you get to see on Dribbble. Show and tell for designers.

Check me out

Contact me

For any other informations do not hesitate to send me a message